Segundo a história, a neve e o gelo eram armazenados nos poços da neve, sendo depois carregado às costas em sacos de couro pelos homens até ao seu destino final. Desses reservatórios apenas um chegou aos nossos dias em bom estado de conservação, localizando-se perto do Pico do Areeiro em pleno parque Ecológico do Funchal, a 1600 metros de altitude, estando desactivado mas não deixando mesmo assim de nos lembrar as dificuldades e o engenho dos nossos antepassados. É o MIRADOURO DO POÇO DA NEVE.
According to history, snow and ice were stored in pits of snow, and then loaded back into the leather bags for men until their final destination. Only one of these reservoirs has reached our days in good condition, being located near Pico Areeiro fully Funchal Ecological Park, the 1600 meters of altitude, being disabled but should still remind us of the difficulties and the ingenuity of our ancestors. It's POÇO DA NEVE (well of snow) Viewpoint.
According to history, snow and ice were stored in pits of snow, and then loaded back into the leather bags for men until their final destination. Only one of these reservoirs has reached our days in good condition, being located near Pico Areeiro fully Funchal Ecological Park, the 1600 meters of altitude, being disabled but should still remind us of the difficulties and the ingenuity of our ancestors. It's POÇO DA NEVE (well of snow) Viewpoint.
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